Exhausted Consumables from Electronic Printing
Each year, used and sold exhausted printing consumables are 500 million inkjet cartridges, 60 million toner cartridges and around 100 tonnes of ink and powder residues end up in landfills or incinerators. Disposing of an empty cartridge the wrong way is equivalent to wasting 92% of the materials it is made of that could be reused many times over. Cartridges are a major source of uncontrolled e-waste proliferation in the EU.
The remanufacturing chain would allow the saving of many tonnes of waste otherwise destined for landfills or incinerators. The term ‘remanufacturing’ refers to the industrial process that allows worn original products to be given a new lease of life, restoring them to conditions of performance and durability similar to the original.

How we select our products
For more than 20 years we have been supplying remanufacturers with laser and ink-jet cartridges of every brand and model on the market.
After being collected by a network of affiliated operators throughout the country, the cartridges arrive at our plant in Solarolo (RA) where they are carefully selected then divided by type, brand and model, ready to be remanufactured by specialised companies.

The selection phases:
1: Collection of exhausted cartridges from public and private offices.
2: Selection of all cartridges: observation and precision are very important in order to identify and separate the originals (cartridges used only once called virgin), from the non-virgins (which have undergone one or more remanufacturing processes) and discard the poor quality compatible models (produced by Chinese companies using poor quality materials).
3: Second selection on our manufactured and customised conveyor belts to make part recognition more efficient
4: Control and division by brand and model of the recovered products.
5: Check of the electromechanical suitability requirements of the products to be sent for remanufacturing.
6: Cartridges divided by brank Exhauand model are packed in special boxes: a control coupon is applied inside each box that identifies: the lot of origin, the date of selection and the operator who checked the product.
Why purchase our products
Exhausted toner or inkjet cartridges must be disposed of as pecial waste. The regulations stipulate that for companies, disposal must be entrusted to authorised companies. Private individuals, on the other hand, can dispose of exhausted consumables at the ecological islands of their municipality.
The European community has long been encouraging the use of remanufactured products at all levels, both public and private. Eco-Recuperi, as a company specialising in collection and sorting, is an important support for all companies that have specialised in the production of after-market products.